We are happy to announce that we have updated our meeting schedule and our website page to show all the meeting restart dates and times.
The list is also posted at the club.
This post has been updated on Sept. 29 to reflect the following changes:
Club Sponsored zoom meeting are done as of July 24th
There are Member Sponsored Zoom meetings.
10AM Mon-Wed-Friday & Saturday Meeting ID: 613-176-453 – questions or issues for this member sponsored meeting should be directed to Maureen @ 313-410-3734
Noon - Tuesday and Thursday Meeting ID: 864 6076 5351
Password: Thunder
You can find the list for Zoom Meetings on our pinned facebook post as well as our post here on our website. As a reminder, Please bring a mask. Refreshments will be provided, however NO FOOD will be allowed in the club at this time.